Safety rules
1 / Surf at your level
Are you a beginner?
- Stay in the mosses or small waves
- Use a foam board
- Do not surf the edge rolls
- Protect your head in case of a fall
2/ Don't panic if you get caught in the current
- Don't try to return to the beach
- Stay on your board
- Waves arms to alert helpers
3/ Smart surfing
- Choose waves adapted to your level
- Choose spots that are not too busy
- Never surf in stormy weather
- Protect yourself from the sun
- Use sunscreen
4/ Respect the bathing areas
5/ Respect the rules of priority and conviviality
- Basic rule: 1 wave, 1 surfer
- The surfer furthest inland from the breaker has priority
- Don't ride a wave if there's someone ahead
- Don't let go of your board by doing "ducks".
- Avoid collisions; go around the surf zone to get to the open sea.
Document published by the French Surfing Federation